After spending a long period of the 21st century providing our customers with high-end, top class sliding wardrobes, it’s time for us to evolve! Don’t worry though, we aren't taking away our fantastic sliding doors or beautiful accessory range. We are, in fact, bringing you a brand-spanking-new website. Behold - http://www.kitchensandbedroomsdirect.com/ -
Currently, the website is under construction so for the meantime we are still bringing you quality products, special offers and discounted prices through our Sliding Robes Direct store! The opportunity to tell you about our exciting new future was there, so I decided to take it!
As we enter a new era in our business lifetime, we are as committed as ever to bringing you fantastic products and high quality accessories at discount prices. With ongoing sales and ‘prices off’ our sliding door range, we know we have the edge in a competitive market… With that being said, we have moved forward into a generation that incorporates new trends and modern design techniques. Houses are becoming spaceships that even aliens of another planet would recognise as home if they came to earth. Well, potentially.
With our foundations in place and our plans for expansion, the team at Sliding Robes Direct are optimistic about what the future holds for us as a company, and individuals working within. We each possess fantastic design skills, experience and the appropriate qualifications to deliver budget, luxury and bespoke kitchens and bedrooms all over the country. With our skill-sets and ideas moving forward, we hope to combine and utilise them both, to achieve fantastic things in the near future.
When it comes to bedrooms and kitchens we have an equally as good eye as we do for wardrobe design. As a company, we possess raw talent and a great understanding of design, kitchens, bedrooms and the vast concepts that come with them. Our plans are massive and we won’t hold back as we plunge feet first into a market full of creative designers and technically excellent artists.
We plan to bring new ideas to the table, value for money, high quality, and as always, excellent customer service to match. Keep your eyes peeled for the launch of our second site - http://www.kitchensandbedroomsdirect.com/ and even further in the future, there’s every possibility we could be bringing you a 3rd website…. Watch this space...