Friday, 10 July 2015

Upgrade Your Wardrobe For Summer

If you have a holiday coming up and have bought lots of new clothes, you might have suddenly stopped to think, “Where is all this going to go?”. Thankfully for you, Sliding Robes Direct we have the solution for you...

Sliding Robes Direct understand the thrill of going on holiday for that week or two to relax and do your favourite things with no hassle. But after all the fun and games are over, and you come back with mountains of washing, you need to find space for it all to go.
Reality kicks in, and it can sometimes be hard to find or make space for all your new clothes.

Our specialist services means that if you wish to upgrade your wardrobe to make it bigger, or if you are after some storage solutions within the wardrobe space you already have, we can assist you along the way. Whatever the reason you have for needing a larger wardrobe, we can help you to make extra space for your new clothes.

Whether you are looking to splash out and make things bigger and better, or you want to do things on a budget (after your holiday ate a big whole in your wallet), we have solutions right here for both instances. Sliding Robes Direct can give you the top notch finish you are after that just leaves you thinking 'WOW', or come up with a smart and simple answer on less of a budget that will give you a polished and amazing finish.

We can help and guide you to make the right decision regarding a wardrobe for extra space after a holiday to fit all your new clothes in...

Our sliding wardrobe door range include:
Depending on the size of your bedroom, will ultimately decide on whether or not you can fit sliding wardrobe doors in, and with that being said, it's important to think carefully about whether or not sliding wardrobe doors are right for you. Our experienced team can talk to you about your options, and if you give us measurements, we can give you a better idea on whether or not sliding doors are a good choice.

Getting your hands on your perfect wardrobe is done in 4 simple steps:

  1. First you need to measure the acquired space
  2. Then you need to find a style that suits the theme of your home
  3. After this, choose any accessories or storage solutions you wish to include
  4. Lastly, we will deliver your door directly to you at your home!

It's as simple as that! All you need to do then is install your doors and you will have far more space than you did previously – ready for all your new, space consuming clothes!

If you are interested in upgrading your wardrobe before or after your holiday then Sliding Robes Direct is the right place. Simply head over to our website or give us a call on UK 0845 869 6737 ROI 0044 845 869 6737

One of our dedicated team can help you moving forward!