Friday, 10 February 2017

London Contract Complete

And breathe! We have had an amazing time completing a large contract in London. It wasn’t like any ordinary sliding wardrobe installation for a home with one set of doors, but in fact over one thousand doors have been delivered to this project. It’s been well worth our hard work and dedication to the development as the finish result is brilliant to see. The team at Sliding Robes Direct would like to share this project with you and hope that you love the results as much as we do.

Over many months we have been delivering sliding doors to Tidal Basin Road in London to help a development. In total we delivered an outstanding number of 1264 doors to this project and every single door has had the same high quality and time it deserves to ensure that we have maintained our top standard quality. After all, our sliding doors are not only representing the business who contracted us with these doors, but us too. This means that it is especially important to make sure that we’re both presented in the right light and that our sliding wardrobes are of a high quality.

Showing Off

Below you can see two examples from the completed contract we finished in London. Both are equally as impressive as the other, and can be adapted to suit any style or colour. We at Sliding Robes Direct hope that you like the look we went for, and although the rooms are currently empty you can image how spectacular they will look once they have been fully decorated…

Choosing The Doors

Having worked within this industry for over 30 years, we have a clear understanding of what works and what doesn’t. For this kind of development, having mirrored wardrobes was a must, so that it would fit into all 1264 styles of room. For example, one person may go for a contemporary look to the room whereas another may opt for a certain colour. So in order to make it work, it was best to go for a mirrored door to each room in appose to a coloured or certain style.

We really enjoyed completing this contract and it has been a pleasant experience being able to supply so many doors at once. Sliding Robes Direct would like to thank the operators of this development for choosing our doors and also putting trust in us to supply over 1200 doors at a continuous high standard, which we did!

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